• What Women Want from a Man?Jan 28, 2025

    I haven't talked much about the man-woman dynamic in this blog. Barely, if at all only slightly touched it.

  • Start Now!Jan 11, 2025

    When people want to start a new endeavor, they often wait for the "perfect" time or a "better" time — a time that's more "con...

  • Stop Asking for PermissionJul 23, 2024

    I originally wrote this article in early April – but never published it. So it just sat on my desktop.

  • Play to Your StrengthsMar 10, 2024

    Playing to your strengths can be considered a universal principle of life. You've probably noticed that you're naturally better in some things and yet...

  • Balance is a MythFeb 11, 2024

    People talk about work-life balance. And try to find ways to achieve it.

  • Day 54 of 75HARDFeb 4, 2024

    Today marks the 54th day of my #75hard journey. And so this post is a progress update.

  • Have a sense of urgencyNov 4, 2023

    I often see people pissing away their time. If they don't have a task, they just sit idle.

  • You can never go wrong by being silentOct 28, 2023

    So I was listening to the Lex Fridman podcast. In that particular episode, his guest was Walter Isaacson - currently, the most famous biographer.

  • Be boredMay 7, 2023

    When was the last time you were bored? Bored as when you were a kid on a summer break and had nothing to do.

  • What is Your ONE Thing?Nov 27, 2022

    One of the most important books I've read is The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. It's a little book and easy to read but despite that its message is not any...

  • Market Yourself ProperlyNov 5, 2022

    "Aspiring photographer", "self-taught developer", and "junior front-end engineer" are some of the ways I've seen people...

  • Never criticizeOct 1, 2022

    This is the first - and by far the most important rule - when it comes to getting people to be on your side. It's the first principle in the massive m...

  • What is the key component in learning?Sep 24, 2022

    For the past few years, I've had to teach myself quite a few new skills. And I've experimented with different techniques, methods, principles, ideas.....

  • Follow Your Own PathSep 10, 2022

    Isn't it quite insane that only so few people out of the so so many do what they want to do in life? When I was doing my degree in tax law I talked to...

  • My thoughts on the war in UkraineMar 12, 2022

    I'm no military expert, but I do understand some universal principles that never lie. These principles apply to all of us - whether you're rich or poor, powerful or not, there's no way around them.

    1. Inflexible systems will break. It's simply a matter of time. So will the collapse of the Russian Empire be inevitable. It will collapse just like the Soviet Union collapsed. And it will keep collapsing over and over again until the root of the problem is fixed.

    The more inflexible you are, the more probable the breaking. Everyone knows that Bruce Lee quote: "Be like water...".

    1. Superior firepower doesn't mean much. Just like the US had superior firepower in the Vietnam war, but in the end, had to pack their bags and admit the loss. Yet people keep insisting on counting numbers - who has more of this or that. It's silly - the workings of the Universe are way more complex. There are too many variables at play.

    One of the most important ones is the "will".

    The will or what Napoleon Hill called - "the burning desire" is what nobody pays attention to it. Yet this is one of the most important factors - if not the most important factor. Now, Putin has the will, but does also his army? Not so much. Yet, on the Ukrainian side, not only has the leadership the will, but also the people.

    Another great example of this is the Finnish Winter War. Look that up. Many similarities in these wars.

    1. Putin can't stop because stopping would be admitting a loss. And losing would demolish his entire identity. See, many people would rather die than have anything interfere with their reality - reality constructed by their ego.

    Ever seen little kids playing a game and when one loses, she gets very angry and throws the board on the floor? It's the same thing. In the kid's mind, she can't accept what is. It's not about losing the game, it's that this reality does not fit with the reality her ego had constructed in her mind. This incompatibility is what throws off the ego.

    1. Never surround yourself with people who always agree with you. Never isolate yourself from the world.

    This is a big problem for people in leading positions. They isolate themselves off to some high tower - or office - and because of that, they have no idea what is going on. Even worse, they surround themselves with the so-called "yes-men" who only agree with their superiors as doing otherwise would endanger their own position. They don't want to upset the boss. And the boss doesn't want to be upset.

    The result of this is that the leaders will get distorted information and that info will keep being distorted as it moves upwards the hierarchy. I could only imagine how far from reality the information about the battlefield is for Putin's generals - and for himself as well of course.

    If you're a leader, you want to be where the action is. Just like great investors will go and physically visit the companies they're about to buy, you also want to see what's going on with your own eyes.

    And secondly, always surround yourself with people who don't agree with you - this way you get better feedback and a clearer signal of the reality and therefore, are in a much better position to make better decisions.

    Machiavelli talks about this in his famous "The Prince".

  • Unlucky = luckyFeb 6, 2022

    Most of the so-called "unlucky" events in our lives are actually good ones. At least they can easily be framed as such.

  • Do the second best thingJan 15, 2022

    The idea is this: if you can't do the first best thing - the ideal - then do the next best thing instead. E.g., you set yourself a goal to work out ev...

  • Give yourself permission to be entitledJan 8, 2022

    entitlement (noun): complete lack of emotion with regard to deserving something or someone. Give yourself permission to be entitled to the best in lif...

  • Be PersistentDec 5, 2021

    I've come to realize that we often give up on our goals too quickly. I'm not sure why it is, but most people give up way too soon.

  • Scarcity vs AbundanceNov 20, 2021

    Sometimes we live in a tiny world. E.g., when there's not much going on in our lives, it may feel as if this world shrinks like a balloon.

  • Don't be afraid to contradict yourselfSep 25, 2021

    Are you afraid to say bold things or express your opinion because you're worried that it maybe contradicts what you've previously said? Don't be.

  • How to be a high-value personSep 11, 2021

    High-value people have many traits that separate them from the regular mass. In this article, I'm going to talk about just one of these traits.

  • The old man in the skyJul 3, 2021

    I used to call myself an atheist. I thought the idea of some god sitting up in the sky to be preposterous.

  • Best focusing appMay 9, 2021

    A while ago, I wrote that the best workout app is the Centr app. I think it was about a year ago.

  • PrinciplesMar 27, 2021

    Do you know how to convert binary numbers into a decimal? How do you know that 11010 in binary is 26?


  • Men who are white knightsMar 20, 2021

    If you pay close attention, you can recognize these types of guys easily. They're not necessarily wearing shining armor and riding a horse, but their...

  • PCMar 6, 2021

    Political correctness. Also known as one of the most toxic diseases of the modern world.

  • Stay positive!Feb 27, 2021

    What are we going to talk about today? I don’t know, but let’s just run with it.

  • One principle to follow in lifeFeb 13, 2021

    There are a thousand ways to achieve success in any area of life - whether it be material wealth, professional success, spiritual life, relationships,...

  • The Power of NoFeb 6, 2021

    "No" is ten times a better word than a "yes." "No" is clear and genuine, whereas a "yes" can easily be a fake...

  • Always prefer form over speedJan 23, 2021

    Form over speed is a principle usually (at least to my experience) repeated by physical exercise trainers. Rightfully so, as sacrificing speed while h...

  • Become a Pro.Jan 10, 2021

    What is the differentiating factor between people who have seemingly iron-strong discipline and those who don't? It's actually 2 things.

  • Goals? Overrated!Dec 24, 2020

    What a positive note to cast with a blog post during Christmas, right? Our society is obsessed with goals.

  • Build your empireAug 30, 2020

    I think everyone should try to build their own empire. What do I mean by that?

  • Slow downAug 23, 2020

    Many people are constantly looking for ways to do everything faster. They are into speed-reading, they listen and watch videos on 2x speed and become...

  • I fired my managerJul 5, 2020

    “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.” Jim Rohn If the manager of a company constantly fails to d...

  • An update 😉Jun 21, 2020

    I thought about giving you - my dear friend and reader - a small update regarding this blog. First, if you wonder about the new minimalistic look, it'...

  • ReactivenessMay 10, 2020

    Let's talk about social dynamics. In every interaction, there's the person who's setting the rhythm while the other is reacting.

  • Probably the best home work out appApr 3, 2020

    Gyms are closed, even the outdoor ones. This pushed me to find a way to train at home harder than the regular average Joe's few pushups and a couple o...

  • Labeling feelingsMar 21, 2020

    Some books recommend labeling feelings/emotions. E.g., that it's a good idea to put a name on a negative feeling, so it'd be easier to deal with it.

  • Is nostalgia bad?Mar 18, 2020

    When I lived in Taiwan, I had the opportunity to stay in an apartment in one of the older parts of Taipei. Living in that apartment felt like travelin...

  • ObsessionFeb 28, 2020

    If there’s one key component to becoming really good at anything, it’s - yes, you guessed it - obsession. We’re all obsessed with something.

  • Don’t be a dump yardFeb 5, 2020

    If someone would dump their garbage to your yard, would you be cool with it? Probably not.

  • The law of useJan 31, 2020

    The law of use - which is one of the laws of the Universe - states that if knowledge has been revealed to you, you have to use it. Wisdom is not meant...

  • On freedom of outcomeJan 25, 2020

    Spiritual teachers talk about this concept of outcome independence. It means that one shouldn’t be dependent on a certain outcome but should accept wh...

  • Pain = lessonJan 16, 2020

    Imagine if everything we’d do would go smoothly and without any challenges. This would be a pretty boring reality.

  • Focusing on what you can measureJan 14, 2020

    We tend to focus on what business people call the “lag measures” - the things we can’t measure immediately. E.g., focusing on a number of sales by the...

  • Say “no”Jan 11, 2020

    I’ve come to realize that people who get things done and achieve great things - successful people - say “no” all the time. They rarely agree to anythi...

  • Deep identity changeDec 31, 2019

    Now, when I say “deep identity change,” I’m not talking about a complete and total change of your self regarding absolutely everything. I don’t know i...

  • Your reality - your rulesDec 29, 2019

    As human beings, we are constantly pinging off the environment. There are a couple of reasons for that.

  • Turn off internet access at homeDec 21, 2019

    I’ve been recently experimenting with having no Internet at home. Before anyone labels me as “eccentric” and anti-tech because I’m against social medi...

  • “Will money make you happy?”Dec 11, 2019

    We’ve all heard this question. Some hear it constantly by their jealous peers who try to rationalize their life and choices.

  • There is no mapDec 4, 2019

    There’s an interesting anecdote about a zen master Bassui Tokushō (抜隊 得勝) in the book “Zen Radicals, Rebels, and Reformers” by Perle Besserman and Man...

  • What’s your uniqueness?Nov 27, 2019

    “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde Only you can be the best at who you are. No one can beat you at that game.

  • How to set goals: simple, effective tipsNov 25, 2019

    First, as Ray Dalio wrote in his “Principles”, you can have just about anything you want, but not everything you want.” So, I recommend writing down e...

  • Always take responsibilityNov 24, 2019

    Everything that happens to you is your fault. Always! E.g., when you’re a team leader, and your team fails, because “someone messed up, then it’s not...

  • Don’t seek for recognitionNov 23, 2019

    Seeking for recognition implies that you’re not in control. You’re essentially at the mercy of the other person.

  • No more waitingNov 22, 2019

    The whole concept of “waiting” is silly. It’s an illusion, really.

  • Two sides of the same coinNov 20, 2019

    We often don’t see the polarities that are practically everywhere. Some say that god exists; some say it doesn’t.

  • What is real confidence?Nov 18, 2019

    Confidence is not about knowing that you will succeed. It’s the knowing that no matter what happens, you’ll be just fine.

  • Stop comparingNov 17, 2019

    Most of our problems are just us comparing ourselves to others. If you would be the only one in the world, would money, status, height, weight, looks,...

  • You can have it but…Nov 14, 2019

    Never think that a goal is unattainable. I used to think that this or that goal is not for me because I’m not x, y, or z.

  • Accountability mirrorNov 12, 2019

    This is an awesome tool I got from David Goggins’ book “Can’t Hurt Me.” If you haven’t read it already, I highly highly recommend doing so. I write do...

  • I’m differentNov 10, 2019

    I’m different than most people. That’s not me being cocky - that’s a fact.

  • How to become rejection proofNov 8, 2019

    The fear of rejection is one of the biggest and most common fears people face. It’s the kind of fear that stops us from doing the things we want to do...

  • Produce more, consume lessNov 7, 2019

    Most people are only concerned with consuming without thinking about the return of value. They watch TV, consume social media, buy stuff, etc.

  • Stop trying to control everythingNov 1, 2019

    “How’s my hair today? “, “What about this grease on my shirt?”, “What will people think if they see I have a spot on my pants?”, “What about my pimple...

  • Think “less is better”Oct 23, 2019

    More, more, more, and more. This is the mindset of an average consumer, as well as the mantra of almost every company.

  • Why having more choices is bad for youOct 22, 2019

    “Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee? But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.” Albert Camus, A Happy Death We...

  • We're in controlOct 18, 2019

    We have so much more control over our lives than we think we have. Understanding this is, in essence, the difference of seeing possibilities vs.

  • Less is more in the digital ageOct 15, 2019

    The price of the car is not only the price you pay to acquire the car. There's also the price of the fuel of course, and the price of maintenance.

  • Stop clicking the like buttonOct 14, 2019

    The infamous like button - first created in 2005 and then popularized in 2007 at FriendFeed (later acquired by Facebook) is probably one of the worst...

  • Be turned on by obstaclesOct 10, 2019

    Stoicism is most likely the best form of philosophy out there. The reason is this: it’s practical.

  • The Muse and her giftsOct 9, 2019

    Apparently, Zeus had nine daughters with Mnemosyne called the Muses. They represent the source of knowledge for all things regarding creativity like a...

  • On being unapologeticOct 8, 2019

    Don’t ever apologize for who you are, what you like, what you enjoy, and what you want. Be absolutely unapologetic.

  • How to stop judging othersOct 7, 2019

    For quite some time, I've been pondering about why do we judge other people so much and how to stop doing this. We're essentially little tyrants that...

  • The metamorphosis has to happenOct 5, 2019

    There are some things in life that you not only want to have or achieve - you absolutely must achieve them. There’s just no other alternative.

  • Finding your life’s taskOct 4, 2019

    If you’ve read Mastery by Robert Greene, then the following story is familiar; if not - here is a story of Yoky Matsuoka. As a teenager in Japan in th...

  • Have your own platform: Facebook is dyingOct 3, 2019

    If you’re an artist or a business and you’re building your following and business on someone else’s platform like Facebook or Instagram, then you’re p...

  • The best way to give feedbackOct 1, 2019

    Giving feedback is a sort of a delicate thing. It’s delicate because it’s very easy for people to take offense and therefore reject the feedback in it...

  • Seek to get triggeredSep 30, 2019

    What’ve I’ve noticed is that not many people have the ability to hold two or more opposing ideas in their minds at once. Let’s take politics, for exam...

  • Show upSep 28, 2019

    Show up no matter what. Show up every day, not because you need something from others but because you want to.

  • Status anxietySep 27, 2019

    Instead of working on ourselves to look cool why not work on ourselves to actually be cool? Why are we constantly scanning around to see if we “fit” i...

  • Why escalators are dangerousSep 25, 2019

    Some people use the escalator or the elevator and then go to the gym to use the treadmill or the stepper machine. I find this behavior fascinating.

  • “Why is this happening to me?”Sep 25, 2019

    So, today morning started very interestingly: first I damaged my shoe to the sharp edge of a foot of a table. Then I spilled coffee all over a coffees...

  • The amygdalaSep 24, 2019

    Seth Godin calls it the lizard brain, Steven Pressfield calls it the resistance. However you want to call it, we all have it.

  • Self-teach yourselfSep 22, 2019

    I think it’s so cool we can nowadays learn almost anything we want to learn. All the information and theory are online.

  • Smaller is betterSep 21, 2019

    Almost anything is better at small than big. Small is compact, weighs less, is more portable, usually more flexible and overall more efficient.

  • Escaping life vs. living lifeSep 20, 2019

    If you do an audit on your life, how much time do you spend escaping your life and how much of it is actually living it? The way I see it: most people...

  • The “green lumber fallacy”Sep 20, 2019

    What do we need to know to make decisions? It turns out we might often be very wrong about the data we actually need in order to have success.

  • Maintaining your self-imageSep 19, 2019

    Here's something you might've not known about yourself: in your field, you're probably not as good as you think you are. And, this is especially true...

  • Survive to thriveSep 17, 2019

    I like to write articles. Even though I might not write good ones every day, I write every day, and I do it for a reason.

  • Do your work before breakfastSep 16, 2019

    I’ve only recently started to realize that eating breakfast might not be better than eating breakfast right after getting up in the morning. You can h...

  • RAS and The SecretSep 15, 2019

    Have you ever wondered how much data comes on our way every day and moment? How many pieces of information are available to you at this very moment.

  • CategorizationSep 14, 2019

    There's no need to categorize ourselves. We're often too worried about who we are or in which box do we fit.

  • Having vs. doing vs. beingSep 12, 2019

    There are three main levels of operating in this world. Spiritually speaking, people at the lowest paradigm mostly care about having - they worry abou...

  • Self-sabotagingSep 11, 2019

    Here’s the thing: our unconscious mind runs the show. Whatever is down, there affects us - and if it’s not dealt with, it runs our entire life.

  • We’re all tyrants insideSep 10, 2019

    We all judge other people in some way or another. Even if we don’t say anything out loud, in our heads, we still evaluate them by the way they act, dr...

  • Nobody will save youSep 8, 2019

    Follow instructions, shut up, do as you’re told, don’t stand out too much, don’t ask too many questions, use a blue ink pen, do not color over the lin...

  • The best writing appSep 4, 2019

    Typora with the Newsprint theme. ’It’s the best writing program ’I’ve ever used - and ’I’ve tried a lot of them.

  • If you don’t get what you want...Sep 3, 2019

    Many people get really angry or frustrated when they don’t get something they think they deserve. After all, the feeling of frustration is that someth...

  • How to never run out of things to say?Sep 2, 2019

    I used to struggle a lot with being able to hold a conversation. I often “ran out of things to say.” Or rather, I actually ran out of questions.

  • Is competition good or bad?Sep 1, 2019

    Here are two ideas about competition. First, there is the idea that competition puts producers under pressure to produce better products.

  • What's the alternative?Aug 31, 2019

    Some things just need to be done. We don't want to because that particular way might be uncomfortable but we know it's the only way.

  • Strive for better problemsAug 30, 2019

    Everyone wants to have a better life. A life without problems where everything is easy, and there are no struggles.

  • Don't lose your momentumAug 27, 2019

    Momentum is one of the best things in life. It’s valuable, and if you don’t appreciate it enough, it will go away.

  • Not everyone will like youAug 26, 2019

    We all have that need to be liked. Some more than others but nevertheless we all want people to not disapprove of us.

  • Top photography tips from Steve McCurryAug 24, 2019

    Steve McCurry (born 1950) is known mostly for his amazing portraits - especially for the famous “Afghan Girl” photo. He’s a member of Magnum Photos si...

  • We’re in the futureAug 23, 2019

    Everyone is constantly on their phones. People don’t say “hi” to each other, let alone know their neighbors.

  • What is depression?Aug 22, 2019

    We tend associate negative emotions with something "bad" and positive emotions with "good." However, a better way to look at it wo...

  • The 'thank you' economyAug 21, 2019

    I was having a small dinner at the Kou Xuan Pin Spicy Stinky Tofu restaurant - a restaurant like every other in Taipei night market. At least for a fo...

  • Project LuxembourgAug 19, 2019

    As some of you may know, I am based in Luxembourg officially the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg). This is not the case anymore.

  • Art and imaginary drawn linesAug 18, 2019

    People like to put art into boxes: “this is a painting, this is sculpture, this is photography, this is music, this is not, this is this, this is that...

  • On dreamsAug 16, 2019

    Step number 1: Write down what you really want to do in life. Step number 2: Watch Into the Wild.

  • Fear of photographing mannequinsAug 14, 2019

    By “fear,” I mean more the “what do other people think of me?” type of thought process. Lately, I’ve been photographing a lot of inanimate objects as...

  • What to photograph?Aug 14, 2019

    Here’s a thought: it’s not about what you photograph, it’s about how you photograph. We put so much emphasis on what is “worthy” to shoot and what’s n...

  • The worth of picturesAug 13, 2019

    Everyone has heard the old adage “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It implies the notion that in some cases you can simply show the picture witho...

  • Art x self-developmentAug 12, 2019

    I hope you're all having a great day so far. Some of you may be wondering why I write about topics such as productivity or about the importance of foc...

  • On the importance of doing deep workAug 10, 2019

    I’m not going on a long rant about social media and smartphones and how these things significantly inhibit our ability to focus on our work. Instead,...

  • The hard thing about hard thingsAug 9, 2019

    This is the title of Ben Horowitz’s book. The guy who built a company from scratch and then sold it for $1.65 billion.

  • How to know if your photo is good?Aug 8, 2019

    I recently received an e-mail from a follower who asked me how to know if a photo is good enough to share it with others. It’s an excellent question,...

  • I need more informationAug 8, 2019

    The US intelligence services were highly criticized for not detecting the 9/11 attacks even though there were massive amounts of evidence of the occur...

  • You are not your storiesAug 7, 2019

    “I’m a professional; I don’t do this; I don’t do that; I can’t do that; this is not me” are some of the thoughts we all have had. Our identity.

  • What do you find funny?Aug 5, 2019

    A couple of days ago on one evening I took a piece of paper and wrote on it: “What do I find funny?” I stared this piece of paper for several very lon...

  • 3 Tips for street portraitsAug 4, 2019

    Intro ​ By no means am I good at portraits. I'm just learning, but there's a couple of things that I'm starting to understand.

  • Be turned on by your own workAug 4, 2019

    I regularly look at some of my own photographs and re-read my own articles. Not because to evaluate or edit them but because I think they're really go...

  • Don’t be a sheepAug 3, 2019

    This is the tendency I have noticed (and I’ve been guilty of this of course): we read or listen to what one person says in a video, book or article, a...

  • Find your laneAug 1, 2019

    This is a follow up to my article “Focus on your strengths.” There’s a couple of things I want to say from a different angle that contributes to that...

  • External vs. internal metricsJul 31, 2019

    I think the biggest issue with social media is not even that its mostly a waste of time and its addictiveness. The huge culprit of social media is the...

  • Marketing lesson #6: price is marketingJul 27, 2019

    Every once in a while, there is an article or a story of a photographer who complains about clients lowballing them or that photographers don’t get pa...

  • Marketing lesson #4: use your real nameJul 25, 2019

    One of the best ideas I got from Erik Kim (besides owning your platform) is to use your real name. If you're an artist, using your real name might see...

  • Marketing lesson #2: be authenticJul 23, 2019

    There’s a story of Isaac Asimov having great admiration for Carl Sagan and his books. This is what Asimov had to say of Sagan: “You are my idea of a g...

  • The willpower mythJul 20, 2019

    We tend to think that some people have stronger willpower than we do. If we give in on something, we simply blame it on our weak willpower.

  • Create urgencyJul 19, 2019

    We all have that thing we want to do, but we’re not doing them. I’m not talking about some to-do list.

  • There are no wrong choicesJul 18, 2019

    We are sometimes too quick to judge and categorize events as good or bad. E.g., you want to get a particular job in a certain city.

  • Street photography is a social thingJul 17, 2019

    Other than paparazzo’s hunting down celebrities, street photography may be the most controversial type of photography. There’s probably not a single p...

  • Photography: Look for simple backgroundsJul 16, 2019

    In photography, isolating your subject(s) is essential, and a sign of a quality photo. There are different ways to do that, such as using shallow dept...

  • You’re already awesomeJul 15, 2019

    We have this tendency to think we have to do XYZ to become good enough. Right now I suck, but if I get fit or become rich, then I’ve made it.

  • Crabs in a bucketJul 14, 2019

    We want to fit in and that’s what we’re being told to do. We want to be different, but not to the extent that we stand out.

  • Stop theorizing, go test it yourself!Jul 12, 2019

    I'm find it almost always amusing when someone comments on some video or article that this or that wouldn't work. "Try this in my home town and y...

  • Focus on your strengthsJul 11, 2019

    You've probably heard about the famous 10 000 rule (popularized by Malcolm Gladwell). The idea is that if you practice the thing for 10 000 hours, you...

  • Share your workJul 9, 2019

    A lot of us want to make art and share it with others, but we also feel that something holds us back. Why is that and can we do something about it?

  • Hating is a luxuryJul 8, 2019

    One of my articles got recently published in PetaPixel, and as I read through some of the comments, I wanted to write about the commenting culture in...

  • Input = outputJul 7, 2019

    The idea behind the title is this: the quality of your input, determines the quality of your output. I believe most of us want to make great stuff, pr...

  • BusyJul 5, 2019

    We live in a world of too much. There’s so much going on all the time and so much to do.

  • If you would be a machineJul 2, 2019

    How much differently would you treat yourself? If you’d look at yourself from a third person’s view, would you keep yourself on the job you currently...

  • Simple formula for successJul 1, 2019

    If there’s a formula for success, it would be this: simple actions + time = success. We often think that really successful people, got it by chance or...

  • Everyone's a photographer until MJun 29, 2019

    I see a lot of these “Everyone’s a photographer until M” T-shirts on Instagram. For those of you who don’t know, M stands for manual mode in a camera.

  • Why it's bad to be result orientedJun 27, 2019

    To be “goal oriented” is something you can see a lot e.g. in job advertisements. “We're looking for a goal oriented person ....” etc.

  • Stop this bad habitJun 26, 2019

    Leonardo Da Vinci started his day by writing down the things he wanted to learn that day. Most people start their day by checking their phones for not...

  • On congruencyJun 25, 2019

    What is congruency? It's when your thoughts, words and actions are aligned.

  • Embrace chaosJun 23, 2019

    I posted about this on Twitter as well a while ago and thought elaborating on it a bit further. Uncertainty = death ​ Our brains want t...

  • How to be an artist?Jun 11, 2019

    First, we need to understand the “what.” This is my understanding of art: It’s not just painting or writing. Art can be anything.